Friday, March 16, 2007

Before I leave for the day....

Podcasts, podcasts, podcasts

Here is a short list of some of my favorite podcasts (btw you don't need Itunes, nor even an Ipod to listen to podcasts. They are just like most other audio files....they can play on anything and there are tons of free and open source pod cast clients out there) If you are interested, just google the names and it shouldn't be too hard to find them. Well actually, I am just to lazy to grab their urls at the moment!

Buzz Out Loud: This is a 30-ish min daily about current tech news, very funny

Diggnation: Follows some of the weekly top stories from (two funny and smart guys sitting around drinking beer and talking tech...great stuff)

TwiT: This Week In Tech is a weekly podcast that also follows top tech news and opinions, weekly guest panels full of great tech reports, insiders, and other smart people.

DL.TV: Once again, a tech related podcast often focusing on digital entertainment and other non-news related features.

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