Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring time is great!

First up, Kay-la got her G.E.D.! We here at the Corcoran Family Blog are VERY proud of her, we are also excited that she is continuing on in schooling and getting her diploma.

Next up is spring yard care. The front yard is mostly barked in now, the pathway will be rocked in soon, and plants are starting to get planted. Pretty soon the front is going to look like are real front yard. Pictures to follow soon!

Lastly, and the most fun, is the veggie garden that is going in. We built a raised bed in the back last weekend, and are getting the veggies this weekend. But that's not all! We are getting Giant Pumpkins! I can't wait for those! And Blueberry bushes too!

I started to explain to my wife that blueberry bushes like low pH soil, in the range of 4.0 to 4.5 and that I wanted to get a soil test kit. Eventually she shushed me and said I was taking all the fun out of gardening.


Brett Begani said...

yes Chris, you can take the fun out of gardening by overthinking it.
or you can be like us and not do the research and find out half your plants are dead because you planted them too early.

Jessie B. said...
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