Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thanksgiving in Arizona
Noah is having so much fun with his cousin Dylan. They are playing so much that I hardly even see him!
Its Thanksgiving morning and the kitchen is already bustling with activity so I have to keep this short or I'll get pulled into helping.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Fall Updates
Over the summer, the family went camping. It was a lot of fun, but on the second to last day I slipped and fell into the river off of a big rock that I had climbed up to take photos. Of course, I had the BRAND NEW camera in my hand as I slid into the cold river. As soon as I popped up I turned off the camera but it was already too late...
Flash forward about 4 weeks. I had taken the camera and opened it up as much as I could to let it dry out, hoping against hope that it would still work, well it didn't. A few days later I was about to toss it out, but decided against all odds to try turning it on one more time. I tossed in some fresh batteries, turned on the camera and TOOK A PICTURE!! w00t it WORKS! Bet you can't tell how excited I was that my brand new camera had survived a fall into the river.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
School starts, someone turns 30, and the beer is good.
My 30th bday just passed and it was a BLAST! We had a number of folks over to help me celebrate and the party went into the wee morning hours. Thankfully we warned the neighbors and let them know that if we were too loud we would like them to let us know....not that we where loud, but we did go pretty late!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Late Summer Camping Trip

The Corcoran Family and friends went camping last weekend and here is a shot of the waterfalls that were just down the way from our camp site. This was one of the best trips we've made. Though smoky for the first few days, the last two cleared up nicely. Starry skies at night, crystal clear water during the day, it was almost paradise.
Its very strange, when camping, Ted is very energetic and excited about everything. All day he wants to explore, river walk, run around, go swimming...he never stops. Noah on the other hand was content to do what ever Dad was doing. We swam a lot in the river, explored the little fern gullies, slide down the rock slide, or just hung around the camp fire. The girls were mainly content just sitting in the river and relaxing.
A few guests showed up over the four day camping trip. Matty showed up both Saturday and Sunday. Chris and Tiff came out Saturday night for a few hours, and Bryan and Scandal came out Saturday and stayed through Sunday.
This spot is a great location. Just over the CA border its usually pretty quite. This time though there were people all over the place. This didn't really ruin any of our fun, we just had to be a bit more respectful of others. What really upset me though was all the trash these temporary neighbors left behind. I'm not talking about one or two beer bottles, I'm talking 4 or 5 days worth of trash, bottles, bags, broken items...most of it not even bagged up!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
4th of July weekend White Water Rafting Picutes

Monday, June 30, 2008
Whoops! Forgot the bday gift post...
Birthday wish list:
Video games:
Rockband 3
Radical Brewing
Classic Style series (any)
Brew Chem 101
Principles of Brewing Science
Beer equipment
Faucet locks (2)
Bonnet Angler
Tap handles
Aeration system
Counter Pressure bottle filler
Eirlimier Flask 1000mL
Beer glasses and misc merchandise (shirts)
Gift Certificates and Misc
Itunes,,, American Homebrew Assoc. Membership, Barnes and Noble, Beer of the month club,
Several Updates rolled into one!
T.e.d.'s 30th bday is coming up soon and we'll be holding a Hancock and balls party. Basically its a go watch Hancock (new Will Smith superhero movie) and then finish out the night bowling at lava lanes.
My 30th is coming up in a few months, still not sure what to do to celebrate that, but it'll be themed Beer:30.
Front yard finally got all the weeds pull, now its time to lay down new top soil and build up. The somewhat final concept is "xeriscaping" or "no grass and hearty plants". Really looking forward to that.
Shannon is planning on moving to Portland in Sept., Kay-la is headed to Job Corp in (Likely) late summer, noah isn't back until 4 weeks, I head off to the O.B.F. in 3.5 weeks
Jenn is still wondering where her Kitchen Aide is and she is going to have to keep wondering for awhile, since there isn't another good gift giving holiday until Halloween.... "Trick or Treat"....(kerplunk)..."Gee thanks!"
Lastly, the weather is kinda tough today. Lots of dry lightening over the week has spark over a thousand wild fires in N. CA and all the smoke is drifting north in to the valley here. So, its very hazy today.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Corcoran Family Summer schedule
Jenn is working in a new positon and won't be able to take vacation until this fall so that rules out anything longer then a weekend for her, but I plan to attend the Oregon Beer Fest in late July in Portland. We are also working on a weekend coast trip.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Taking MCSA classes at RCC
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Job Corps
Monday, April 21, 2008
Stay outta my beer!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I love my Sci/Fi has a post about a slew of new Sci/Fi coming to Fox's fall line up. I love me some Sci/Fi!
Virtuality: Penned by Battlestar Galactica creator Ronald D. Moore, this show revolves around the plight of a crew aboard a 10-year mission to a distant solar system. The ship is equipped with virtual-reality equipment that lets them "travel" to other destinations -- which is fine until a mysterious bug infects the system. Moore has reportedly written the two-hour pilot; production is set to begin in July.
Fringe: Lost creator J.J. Abrams was reportedly given $10 million dollars to shoot a two-hour pilot episode for Fringe, a drama about an investigative unit specializing in otherworldly mysteries. Long-time Lost scribe Jeff Pinker recently signed on to run the show, which Abrams has described as a cross between The X-Files, Altered States and The Twilight Zone.
Dollhouse: Joss Whedon's dystopian drama about killer assassins living in a futuristic lab will star Eliza Dushku (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tru Calling). Whedon has described the show as "The Bourne Identity meets Stepford Wives meets boarding school meets Los Angeles neo-noir meets the Whedonverse." Shooting is slated to begin on the first of seven episodes at the end of April.
Boldly Going Nowhere: From the creators of the under-repped comedy team behind It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, this show follows the misadventures of a space crew -- sort of a campy take on Star Trek. Shooting for the pilot is set to begin in October.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Update to the update
Spring Term update
On the kid front, Noah is back in soccer now. I'm not sure how much he is enjoying himself. I suspect he would rather stay home and play video games or go out and play with friends. Kay-la is back home with us now. Seems to be that her time away from home was somewhat beneficial. Its been a week now and she willingly cleans up when asked, and often with out being asked at all.
I've been brewing a lot of beer for the last year or so and have been brewing "all grain" since the start of the year. All grain brewing is when you start with just malted wheat and barley, not using the syrupy malt extract. Takes a lot more time, but gives you a lot more control over the final project. About Oct of last year, I joined a newly formed brew club which has been a lot of fun. I've met a lot of fun people.
Hopefully, I'll be able to keep up on posting here. I've also decided to start a new beer related blog, Everyday Drinking, though so far haven't been able to post much, lol. My hope is that each weekend I can post there what I have been drinking (along with photos, description, availiblity, etc.), and write about the local beer scene and any beer related events coming up.
At this time I am planning on going to the Oregon Brewer's Festival, and Hop Madness, and my 30th birthday is just bout 6 months away. Expect to hear more details soon about the party to beat all parties!