Monday, April 30, 2007

Noah's best weekend ever?

First Noah got to go to work with Dad on Friday. He thought it was sooo cool! He met many of Dad's coworkers and got a tour of the University, he got to eat breakfast and lunch with Dad in the cafateria, and he got to go home early.

Saturday Noah and his soccer team won their first game(6-5). An official score isn't actually kept but the kids keep count so they know. Then later Saturday Noah went shopping with Dad and even went to the beer making place (Herman's Home brew store in Central Point) where he helped pick out the ingredients for the next batch of home brewed beer.

Saturday evening Noah was practicing riding a bike when lo-and-behold he figured out the balance thing and now rides pretty darn well!

Sunday was nice and relaxing as Noah cleaned up his room and then got to go on a bike ride up to the middle school and ride around the track up there for quite awhile!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

More Beer

Sunday afternoon Jen, Jen's mom, Noah and I bottled my second batch of home brewed beer. This one is a pale ale and I have a feeling it is going to turn out better then the first summer ale I did. But, while we worked we also cracked open the first few bottles of my first batch. It was a little lighter in body then I had hoped as well as a little sweeter then I had expected. But its only been two weeks in the bottle so it should improve over then next month or two. However, I sent some home to Jen's grandma and granddad. Grandma liked it so much that she called to tell me so....maybe I'll be willing to give them a few more bottles since they liked it so much.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Update: BAH! Fox has canceled Drive :( Aright, now I'm pissed!

Fox's new show, Drive, (which premiered last night) is pretty gosh darn good. Its one of those shows that grabs your attention from the start and keeps you glued to the screen. The acting is top notch, the script is real, and the mix of adventure, action, drama, and mystery is just right. Drive moves into its normal time slot of Monday nights at 8pm.

So it looks like my Monday night tv schedule is not Drive at 8 and Heroes at 9.

T.E.D.'s new job, kinda

Today marks the day that T.E.D. starts his new job. Same place, new position. YAY T.E.D.. We are all very proud of you. Now just follow through on the whole "I'm gonna get a car thing", and buy me some RAM for the media center!

Monday, April 2, 2007


The Impossible Quiz

I have only gotten to question #33 after about 2 straight hours of play. Jenn sat down and tried this but gave up after 10 min. and question #22. How far can you get?

Save water, drink beer

I've been talking about it but I've finally done it. I spent Saturday afternoon brewing my first batch of beer. The most surprising thing about the whole experience is how easy it was. Now, if everything proceeds as planned then I should be able to drink my first home brewed beer in about 3 weeks.